3 Jamaican Mango Types You Probably Never Heard of

Image result for Mangoes Jamaica'

It's mango season in Jamaica! That means mangoes galore of all types, sweetness, textures and sizes. Mango season normally ends in July so Jamaica enjoys a few months of this delicious fruit. Mangoes are eaten raw, juiced, made into jam, used in smoothies, ice cream, cakes and more. The green/turned mangoes are sometimes cut up and "seasoned' with pepper and salt then left to marinate for a few minutes. Jamaicans call this treat pepper pot (this is also the name of a soup).

It is said that mangoes are native to South Asia and was introduced to Jamaica in the 1700s. Some of the types were later introduced by Indian Immigrants. Mangoes grow all over the island with Clarendon, St. Mary, St. Elizabeth and St. Thomas producing the most. It was announced in April 2019 that Jamaica will export its mangoes to the USA under the Mango Irradiation Programme, with its first shipment happening in May 2019.

Each mango is unique in its aroma, taste and texture. Some are big enough to "full yuh belly" while others are small such as the Common/Stringy/Hairy. Some of the nutrients found in mangoes are vitamin A, vitamin B-6, vitamin K,  folate, potassium, fat and protein. One cup of diced mangoes contain 100 percent of the daily dose required for Vitamin C. Mangoes also provide antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and beta-carotene. With that said, mangoes provide a variety of health benefits such as assisting with improving bone health, improving hair and skin and reducing hypertension.

There are many types of mangoes. The popular ones are East Indian, Julie, Number, Blackie, Beefie, Bombay, Common/Stringy and Graham. Here are 5 Types though you probably never heard of and should try right away.

1. East Indian Bastard

This mango is said to be called East Indian Bastard because it looks like an East Indian and tastes like one. 

2. Sweetie Come Brush Mi

Image result for Sweetie Come Brush Mi

Funny name and very sweet mango. Sweetie Come Brush Mi is great for juices.

3. Titi 

Image result for mangoes Jamaica

This mango is said to shape like a cow's breast, hence the name. "Titi" is how Jamaicans say "breast' in their mother tongue, Patois/Patwa.

Did you know the types above? How many types of mangoes can you name off the top of your head (comment below)? The other types of mangoes we are aware of are Hayden, Tommy Hatkins, Keith, Millie (lol yes a lot of these mangoes have the names of people). There's also the Cowfoot, Green Skin, Butter, Turpentine, Emperor and Longy. So many to choose from, right?  Do you know that there's even a folk song called "Mango Time". It starts



Mi nuh drink coffee tea mango time

Care how nice it may be mango time
In the heat of the mango crop
When di fruit dem a ripe an drop
      Wash your pot turn dem down mango time...   



It's a sweet tune. What's your favourite mang, which ones you don't like and which new ones will you try? Feel free to share your mango recipes!

Thank you so much for reading! Subscribe for more articles. Do check out our YouTube channel for visual and oral depictions of Jamaican arts and culture. See link here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek8zNP-zLdA

We are now on Facebook and Instagram as @Jamaicanartandculture. Until next time, big up unnu selves zeen!


  1. I love all types of mangoes! I didn't know about East Indian Bastard lol I'll definitely give that a try.


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